
“Most impediments are minor impediments, and minor impediments are no impediments.” I’m dealing with problems that seem big. No, that’s not right. My problems are big. At times, they seem insurmountable in terms of how they can be solved. They feel insurmountable, which fills me with helplessness. I don’t know what I’d do if IContinue reading “Impedement”

Life Hacks: Not-Smartwatch

I have a smart watch. I got it so I wouldn’t need to carry my phone around to count my steps or to record my kilometres when I go for a run. It’s a good smartwatch, I suppose. But it’s not a smart smartwatch. Let me explain: My not-smartwatch clocks 4.2km at my weekly parkrunsContinue reading “Life Hacks: Not-Smartwatch”

3 Things I learned from the lockdown

When lockdown was announced, I panicked a little bit. I wasn’t really scared about the virus itself, because it wasn’t really real yet to me. I don’t think it’s real to anyone really, unless you are in the frontlines, are susceptible to the virus or someone close to you has been infected by the virus.Continue reading “3 Things I learned from the lockdown”

3 Things I Hate About Adulting

I think back to when I was a teenager. My mom and I would talk about what kind of adult I would be: where I would live, how many kids I’d have etc. I imagine that poor woman laughed at all my musings because she knew, as all adults know, how complicated adult life canContinue reading “3 Things I Hate About Adulting”


Hey everyone! It’s good to have you back😊 I had a bit of drama yesterday but I’m begining to bounce back a little bit, I’ll tell you all about it in a minute! I finally finished this gem in the wee hours of this morning! If you haven’t yet, you should really get your handsContinue reading “Control”


Happy Sunday erbody! How’s the weather in your corner of the world? It’s been raining in Joburg since last night. It’s the perfect weather for staying cooped up in bed with a good book, a stew on the stove while in the arms of a bearded Nubian King! Wow! That escelated so quickly😂 Today I’dContinue reading “Forward”


Hello everybody! What a hectic but rewarding week! I hope yours is going well so far too! So I started this week off with a plan. Because I knew it was going to be a very demanding week especially workwise, I knew I would need a lot of discipline to get through it! And soContinue reading “Discipline”


Invigilation is a slow game of Pacman. There are, however, no winners; Just teachers entrenched in those aisle Picking up dropped pencils and adjusting facedown student cards- bored out of their minds Knowing fully well that their only escape is a quiet classroom and a pile waiting for that red tick- Or red cross. Students,Continue reading “Invigilation”


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